Sora Resuscitates Toys R Us

Sora Resuscitates Toys R Us

Reprinted with permission from

66 Seconds | PG | SORA
Loaded June 27, 2024

Toys R’ Us Charles Lazarus

Not sure why but OpenAi’s Sora has released a video of a 66 second Toys R’ Us commercial featuring a child’s image and dream of founder Charles Lazarus.

It is only a matter of time that we begin seeing the next generation of celebrities that are Ai generated. Could this spell the end of the action hero? The A-listers?

I cannot do anything but accept the fact that wide video generation jobs like script writing, voiceovers as well as directing, screenplays, costumes and makeup is the largest job disrupter yet. It is impossible to put this genie back into the bottle. I have read articles stating that such tools represent less than 10% of a normal commericial/feature budget.

The only questions remaining – Who want’s to save over 90% of their project’s budget?