Spotted In The Wild – ONNXruntime.Ai

Spotted In The Wild – ONNXruntime.Ai

 Spotted In The Wild features live websites presently using .Ai domain extension


ONNX Runtime (ORT) is a high-performance inference and training engine designed to accelerate machine learning models. It supports various frameworks such as PyTorch, TensorFlow/Keras, TFLite, scikit-learn, and others. ORT is cross-platform, functioning across cloud, edge, web, and mobile environments. It integrates seamlessly with hardware-specific libraries, optimizing performance on CPUs, GPUs, NPUs, and other accelerators.

The core functionality of ORT includes fast inferencing and training capabilities, reducing costs and improving efficiency for large model training. It is used extensively in Microsoft’s products like Windows, Office, Azure Cognitive Services, and Bing, and is trusted by companies such as NVIDIA, Intel, Adobe, and Hugging Face. ORT supports a wide array of platforms, including Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, and web browsers, making it highly versatile for developers working in different environments and programming languages, such as Python, C#, JavaScript, and C++.

Key features of ONNX Runtime include:

  1. Cross-Platform Support: ORT operates on various operating systems and supports multiple programming languages, ensuring broad usability.
  2. Performance Optimization: It provides state-of-the-art model optimization techniques, including quantization and mixed precision models, to enhance performance and reduce resource consumption.
  3. Generative AI Integration: ORT facilitates the integration of generative AI models, enabling applications for image synthesis, text generation, and more.
  4. Extensive Documentation and Tutorials: The website offers detailed installation guides, API documentation, and numerous tutorials for deploying models across different environments, from IoT devices to mobile applications and web browsers.
  5. Community and Open Source: ONNX Runtime is open-source, with an active community contributing to its development and improvement.

For more detailed information on how to use ONNX Runtime, including installation instructions and tutorials, you can visit their official website ONNX Runtime.

Content Summary: ChatGPT I Logo: Respective Website Owners

Keeping Pace with Text-To-Video Ai

Keeping Pace with Text-To-Video Ai

Since the rollout of ChatGPT in 2022, AI has revolutionized content creation, starting with text and expanding into image, audio, and now video. The latest innovation, text-to-video AI, is transforming how narratives are visually conveyed, making visual content more accessible and customizable. This technology, still in its infancy, is rapidly evolving with new tools emerging weekly. Here, we explore six notable advancements in this field and their implications.

Six Technological Advancements in Text-to-Video AI

  1. OpenAI’s Sora: Launched in early 2024, Sora is a powerful text-to-video generator that converts written narratives into high-quality, minute-long videos. It integrates AI, machine learning, and natural language processing to create detailed scenes with lifelike characters. Currently available to select testers, Sora aims to extend video length, improve prompt understanding, and reduce visual inconsistencies. Toys ‘R’ Us recently used Sora for advertising, and its wider release is anticipated to revolutionize video creation across industries.
  2. LTX Studio by Lightricks: Known for products like Videoleap and Facetune, Lightricks’ LTX Studio converts text prompts into rich storyboards and videos. It offers extensive editing capabilities, allowing creators to fine-tune characters, settings, and narratives. The recent “Visions” update enhances pre-production features, enabling rapid transformation of ideas into pitch decks. LTX Studio empowers creators to maintain high-quality standards and pushes the boundaries of AI in video workflows.
  3. Kling by Kuaishou: Kling is the first publicly available text-to-video AI model by the Chinese company Kuaishou. It uses diffusion models and transformer architectures for efficient video generation, leveraging vast user-generated content for training. Although videos are limited to five seconds and 720 pixels, Kling generates highly realistic videos concerning physical dynamics.
  4. Dream Machine by Luma AI: Dream Machine generates high-quality videos from simple text prompts and is integrated with major creative software like Adobe. Available to everyone, it aims to foster a community of developers and creators through an open-source approach. However, it struggles with recreating natural movements, morphing effects, and text.
  5. Runway’s Gen-3: Runway’s Gen-3 Alpha offers improved video fidelity, consistency, and motion control. Developed for large-scale multimodal training, it supports tools like Motion Brush and Director Mode, offering fine-grained control over video structure and style. It’s noted for handling complex cinematic terms and producing photorealistic human characters, broadening its applicability in filmmaking and media production.
  6. Google’s Veo: Unveiled at Google’s I/O conference, Veo produces high-resolution 1080-pixel videos in various cinematic styles. Initially available in a private preview, it builds on Google’s research in video generation, combining various technologies to enhance quality and resolution. Veo plans to integrate its capabilities into YouTube Shorts and other Google products.

Challenges and Ethical Considerations

As text-to-video AI technologies advance, the potential for misuse, such as creating deepfakes, increases. These tools can spread misinformation, manipulate public opinion, and pose threats to personal reputations and democratic processes. Ethical guidelines, regulatory frameworks, and technological safeguards are essential to mitigate these risks. The industry needs transparent practices and ongoing dialogue to develop technologies that detect and flag AI-generated content to protect against malicious uses.

The mainstream adoption of text-to-video AI also raises complex legal questions, particularly concerning copyright and intellectual property rights. As these products create content based on vast public datasets, often including copyrighted material, determining ownership of AI-generated works becomes ambiguous. Clear guidelines are needed to ensure fair use, proper attribution, and protection against infringement.

Impact on the Film Industry

Generative AI is poised to disrupt the film industry significantly. A study by the Animation Guild suggests that by 2026, over 100,000 media and entertainment jobs in the U.S. will be affected by generative AI tools. Hollywood’s unions are concerned about job impacts, creative control, and the authenticity of cinematic arts. AI-generated content is gaining mainstream acceptance, democratizing access to expensive locations and special effects. However, widespread adoption depends on addressing ethical considerations and ensuring AI complements rather than replaces human creativity.


The future of text-to-video AI is promising but requires a balanced approach to innovation and responsibility. Collaboration among technology developers, content creators, and policymakers is crucial to ensure these tools are used responsibly. Establishing robust frameworks for rights management, enhancing transparency, and innovating within ethical boundaries will enable the full potential of text-to-video AI, benefiting various applications without compromising societal values or creative integrity. LINK

Republished with permission from

Spotted In The Wild –

Spotted In The Wild –

 Spotted In The Wild features live websites presently using .Ai domain extension offers a semantic graph platform designed to accelerate data integration and analysis by simplifying data modeling and query processes. The platform enables users to model data using business-friendly terms, replacing complex SQL JOINs with intuitive semantic relationships. Key features include data virtualization, intelligent cache management, and robust tools for ontology modeling and data mapping. supports a wide range of data sources, including cloud services, data lakes, and traditional databases. It aims to streamline data projects by reducing query complexity, improving performance, and integrating seamlessly with business intelligence (BI) and data science tools.

The platform’s core strengths lie in its ability to virtualize data from multiple sources without the need for data movement, ensuring up-to-date information across the organization. Its intelligent cache manager optimizes query performance, while the ontology modeling tool helps define and manage data relationships, making it easier for users to understand and utilize their data. also supports a range of integration options, making it compatible with popular BI and data science tools such as Tableau, Power BI, and Jupyter notebooks. This compatibility allows organizations to leverage their existing tools while benefiting from the enhanced data modeling and querying capabilities provided by

Overall, aims to reduce the time and effort required for data integration and analysis, enabling organizations to derive value from their data more quickly and efficiently. For more information, visit

Content Summary: ChatGPT I Logo: Respective Website Owners

Creepy Robot Smiles with Human Cells

Creepy Robot Smiles with Human Cells

The integration of living human skin cells into robots represents a groundbreaking advancement in the field of robotics, aiming to transform human-robot interactions by enabling machines to display emotions and communicate in a more human-like manner. This technology promises to bridge the gap between artificial and biological entities, making robots more relatable and easier to interact with across various settings.

One of the most significant implications of this development is in the healthcare industry. Human-like robots could provide essential support and comfort to patients, especially those requiring companionship or assistance in medical environments. These robots, equipped with the ability to emote and respond to human expressions, can create a more empathetic and supportive atmosphere, potentially improving patient outcomes and overall well-being.

Beyond healthcare, the cosmetics industry stands to benefit from this technology as well. The ability to recreate wrinkle formation on a small scale using living human skin cells allows for more accurate testing of skincare products. This advancement can lead to the development of more effective treatments for preventing or improving wrinkles, enhancing the efficacy of cosmetic products and providing better results for consumers​ (Popular Science)​​ (Laughing Squid)​.

The technology involves using advanced bioengineering techniques to grow and maintain living human skin cells on robotic structures. This process includes creating a suitable environment for the cells to thrive and ensuring that the robotic system can mimic the mechanical properties of human skin. By integrating these living cells, robots can exhibit more natural and nuanced facial expressions, making interactions with humans more seamless and intuitive.

Moreover, the potential applications of this technology extend beyond healthcare and cosmetics. In educational and customer service settings, human-like robots can improve engagement and communication by providing a more lifelike and responsive presence. This can enhance the learning experience for students and create a more satisfactory customer service experience in various industries.

In summary, the development of robots with living human skin cells marks a significant step forward in human-robot interaction. By enabling robots to emote and communicate more naturally, this technology can improve their relatability and effectiveness across multiple sectors, including healthcare, cosmetics, education, and customer service. The ability to closely mimic human expressions and responses opens up new possibilities for the integration of robots into everyday life, enhancing their utility and acceptance​ (Popular Science)​​ (Laughing Squid)​.


Content Summary: ChatGPT I Logo: Respective Website Owners

Sora Resuscitates Toys R Us

Sora Resuscitates Toys R Us

Reprinted with permission from

66 Seconds | PG | SORA
Loaded June 27, 2024

Toys R’ Us Charles Lazarus

Not sure why but OpenAi’s Sora has released a video of a 66 second Toys R’ Us commercial featuring a child’s image and dream of founder Charles Lazarus.

It is only a matter of time that we begin seeing the next generation of celebrities that are Ai generated. Could this spell the end of the action hero? The A-listers?

I cannot do anything but accept the fact that wide video generation jobs like script writing, voiceovers as well as directing, screenplays, costumes and makeup is the largest job disrupter yet. It is impossible to put this genie back into the bottle. I have read articles stating that such tools represent less than 10% of a normal commericial/feature budget.

The only questions remaining – Who want’s to save over 90% of their project’s budget?