Creepy Robot Smiles with Human Cells

Creepy Robot Smiles with Human Cells

The integration of living human skin cells into robots represents a groundbreaking advancement in the field of robotics, aiming to transform human-robot interactions by enabling machines to display emotions and communicate in a more human-like manner. This technology promises to bridge the gap between artificial and biological entities, making robots more relatable and easier to interact with across various settings.

One of the most significant implications of this development is in the healthcare industry. Human-like robots could provide essential support and comfort to patients, especially those requiring companionship or assistance in medical environments. These robots, equipped with the ability to emote and respond to human expressions, can create a more empathetic and supportive atmosphere, potentially improving patient outcomes and overall well-being.

Beyond healthcare, the cosmetics industry stands to benefit from this technology as well. The ability to recreate wrinkle formation on a small scale using living human skin cells allows for more accurate testing of skincare products. This advancement can lead to the development of more effective treatments for preventing or improving wrinkles, enhancing the efficacy of cosmetic products and providing better results for consumers​ (Popular Science)​​ (Laughing Squid)​.

The technology involves using advanced bioengineering techniques to grow and maintain living human skin cells on robotic structures. This process includes creating a suitable environment for the cells to thrive and ensuring that the robotic system can mimic the mechanical properties of human skin. By integrating these living cells, robots can exhibit more natural and nuanced facial expressions, making interactions with humans more seamless and intuitive.

Moreover, the potential applications of this technology extend beyond healthcare and cosmetics. In educational and customer service settings, human-like robots can improve engagement and communication by providing a more lifelike and responsive presence. This can enhance the learning experience for students and create a more satisfactory customer service experience in various industries.

In summary, the development of robots with living human skin cells marks a significant step forward in human-robot interaction. By enabling robots to emote and communicate more naturally, this technology can improve their relatability and effectiveness across multiple sectors, including healthcare, cosmetics, education, and customer service. The ability to closely mimic human expressions and responses opens up new possibilities for the integration of robots into everyday life, enhancing their utility and acceptance​ (Popular Science)​​ (Laughing Squid)​.


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Spotted In The Wild – Pictory.Ai

Spotted In The Wild – Pictory.Ai

 Spotted In The Wild features live websites presently using .Ai domain extension is a platform designed to create short, engaging videos from long-form content. It offers a suite of tools and features aimed at automating the video creation process, making it accessible for users without extensive video editing skills. Key features include:

  1. Automatic Video Creation: Transforms long articles, blog posts, and text content into short, shareable videos.
  2. Text-to-Video: Converts text scripts into videos with relevant visuals, animations, and voiceovers.
  3. AI-Powered: Uses artificial intelligence to select key sentences, match relevant images and video clips, and generate voiceovers.
  4. Customization: Allows users to customize videos with branding elements, text overlays, and music.
  5. User-Friendly Interface: Designed to be easy to use, with drag-and-drop functionality and templates to simplify the video creation process.
  6. Social Media Integration: Optimizes videos for various social media platforms, making it easier to share content across different channels. aims to help businesses, marketers, and content creators enhance their online presence by producing professional-quality videos quickly and efficiently.


Content Summary: ChatGPT I Logo: Respective Website Owners

Sora Resuscitates Toys R Us

Sora Resuscitates Toys R Us

Reprinted with permission from

66 Seconds | PG | SORA
Loaded June 27, 2024

Toys R’ Us Charles Lazarus

Not sure why but OpenAi’s Sora has released a video of a 66 second Toys R’ Us commercial featuring a child’s image and dream of founder Charles Lazarus.

It is only a matter of time that we begin seeing the next generation of celebrities that are Ai generated. Could this spell the end of the action hero? The A-listers?

I cannot do anything but accept the fact that wide video generation jobs like script writing, voiceovers as well as directing, screenplays, costumes and makeup is the largest job disrupter yet. It is impossible to put this genie back into the bottle. I have read articles stating that such tools represent less than 10% of a normal commericial/feature budget.

The only questions remaining – Who want’s to save over 90% of their project’s budget?

Spotted In The Wild – EvolutionaryScale.Ai

Spotted In The Wild – EvolutionaryScale.Ai

 Spotted In The Wild features live websites presently using .Ai domain extension is an AI biotech startup founded by former Meta researchers. The company recently secured $40 million in funding, primarily from Lux Capital, with additional investments from notable AI investors Nat Friedman and Daniel Gross. This funding will support the development of advanced biological language models aimed at various applications, including cancer cell targeting and environmental cleanup​ (Decrypt)​​ (AIntello)​.

Led by Alexander Rives, who previously headed Meta AI’s protein-folding team, EvolutionaryScale is leveraging transformers-based AI models to predict protein structures. Their technology boasts a database of 700 million potential 3D protein structures, which is crucial for drug development and other biotechnological applications. The company claims its models can predict these structures up to 60 times faster than existing technologies like DeepMind’s AlphaFold, though they are currently less accurate on average​ (Decrypt)​​ (AIntello)​.

EvolutionaryScale plans to spend $38 million in its first year, focusing on scaling up its AI models and computing power. Their long-term goal is to develop a general-purpose AI model for biology that can analyze a wide range of biotech data, potentially revolutionizing the industry by allowing researchers to apply the model to diverse fields such as medical research and environmental biotech​ (Wicked Sciences)​​ (AIntello)​.

Content Summary: ChatGPT I Logo: Respective Website Owners

Spotted In The Wild – Lightning.Ai

Spotted In The Wild – Lightning.Ai

 Spotted In The Wild features live websites presently using .Ai domain extension 

Lightning AI, known for its flagship product PyTorch Lightning, is revolutionizing AI development with its latest offering, Thunder. Thunder is a source-to-source compiler designed to optimize AI model training and deployment across multiple GPUs. It integrates advanced tools like cuDNN and NVFuse from NVIDIA, which help consolidate and optimize the processing power required for neural networks, significantly improving efficiency and performance​ (SiliconANGLE)​​ (Datanami)​.

Thunder is available as an open-source project under the Apache 2.0 license, making it accessible to the broader AI community. Lightning AI’s platform, Lightning Studios, provides a commercial cloud environment where users can leverage Thunder along with native profiling tools to maximize GPU utilization and streamline AI workflows. This setup is ideal for both individual developers and large enterprises, offering various pricing tiers to suit different needs​ (AllThingsAI)​​ (EnterpriseAI)​.

Overall, Lightning AI’s solutions aim to simplify the AI development process, allowing for rapid prototyping, collaborative coding, and efficient deployment of AI models​ (Lightning AI)​​ (AllThingsAI)​. For more detailed information, you can visit Lightning AI’s website (Datanami)​.

Content Summary: ChatGPT I Logo: Respective Website Owners