Español. Underserved?

Without a doubt, English word generic domain names are perhaps the most coveted by domainers. Typically in any extension.

How has .Ai and artificial intelligence evolution impacted popular languages that are not English? Are Spanish speaking people, as well as other languages, underserved in this market?

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An example is the domain Servicio.Ai. Meaning “service” in English, when I conduct a Google search for “servicio” (with quotation marks tends to isolate this word in searches), there are 5.730.000.000 results. The same search for “servicio ai” returns 18,000 results. Not a huge number but, imo, respectable. Why?

Spanish is the 4th most widely spoken language (following English, Mandarin, Hindi). This positions servicio well for growth. And one thing Spanish speaking people will need at some point is servicio: customer service, hospitality service, restaurant service, and so on. The 18K results at present indicates that people are looking for servicio in an Ai industry. Yes, customer service in spanish is servicio al cliente which indicates there is potential in sub domains as well, as in

I like the prospects of In the meantime, if I can be of servicio to you, please drop us an email.

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