Spotted In The Wild – Claude.Ai

Spotted In The Wild – Claude.Ai

Spotted In The Wild features live websites presently using .Ai domain extension

Fast becoming one of my favorite Ai sites for its overall ability to compose responses to queries and prompts. Claude is also the name of my first Creative Director when I started my advertising career (just bing a little nostalgic here).

So far, for me, Claude has exceeded my expectations when compared to output. With that said, Claude.Ai does have it’s limitations.

Claude.Ai does not have the capability to review websites “in the wild” – in other words Claude does not seem connected to the web in terms of search. When I want an Ai assistant to review a website for me, the only way to do this with Claude.Ai is to copy and paste the website as part of the prompt. This is impossible to do with a multi-page website. Well, maybe not impossible. The point being is using these Ai tools should be a time saver rather than a time suck (which copy and pasting is at times). 

Open Ai, on the other hand, is capable of visiting websites and is capable of writting reviews or a summary of what the website is about. I have found this feature to be a superb mode of assisting and meeting my needs.

Here are the types of prompts I would give to ChatGPT for reviewing the website Claude.Ai:

Please give me a 300 word review of the website Claude.Ai 

Review of Claude.AI

Claude.AI, developed by Anthropic, is a sophisticated AI language model named after Claude Shannon, a pioneer in information theory. It excels in generating human-like text and understanding context, making it versatile for applications such as customer service, content creation, education, and personal assistance.

User Interface and Experience

Claude.AI features a clean, user-friendly interface with a streamlined chat window for natural conversations. The design prioritizes simplicity, allowing even non-technical users to easily navigate and utilize its capabilities.

Capabilities and Performance

Claude.AI’s strengths lie in its natural language understanding and ability to provide coherent, contextually appropriate responses across various topics. Key applications include:

  1. Customer Support: Efficiently handles inquiries with accurate, timely responses.
  2. Content Creation: Aids writers in generating ideas, drafting, and refining content.
  3. Education: Assists students by answering questions and providing resources tailored to their learning style.
  4. Personal Assistance: Manages schedules, sets reminders, and performs various tasks.


  1. Natural Language Processing: Provides human-like and intuitive interactions.
  2. Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of topics and tasks.
  3. Adaptability: Continuously learns and improves from interactions.

Areas for Improvement

  1. Context Retention: Needs improvement in retaining context over long conversations.
  2. Bias and Fairness: Ongoing efforts required to ensure unbiased and fair responses.
  3. Complex Query Handling: Enhancing its capability to manage highly complex or specialized questions.


Claude.AI is a powerful, versatile tool offering significant benefits for individuals and businesses. While improvements in context retention and bias mitigation are needed, its adaptability and broad applications make it a leading AI conversational tool.

And that is the review of Claude.Ai.

I’ll post some other reviews of LLM’s as I go along.

Content Summary: ChatGPT I Logo: Respective Website Owners