SUM, short for SUMMARY, is a chat assistant created for reviewing webiste and providing a summary.

And it is FAST!

I have created SUM with many presets based on WordPress and SEO standards. For instance, in reviewing websites, I have set SUM up with these instructions:

My WordPress Presets

  • Review the website URL entered
  • Create a 60 character title for the post
  • Create a 160 character Meta Description of the website
  • Create a 350 word summary of the website
  • Create 10 keyword SEO rich tags separated by a comma and separated by # Hashtags
  • Give me 5 category keywords as a list view

The best part? You can create your own presets!

Easy To Access And Use SUM

First, you will need a FREE account.

In the ChatGPT search window, enter @SUM.

Click on our SUM icon. Now you’re ready to us SUM as you see fit!

Additional Capabilities of SUM

PDF Summary

Upload a PDF and let SUM give you a summary in an instant.

Great for simplifying complex instructions or manuals.




Large Text Files

Take large volumes of text and upload it to SUM to get a useful summary to peruse.

Sort or rearrange the composition to the format that makes sense to you.


Compose Your Own Articles


Create your own articles based on the subject matter you choose. Just tell SUM what you want to write about.

Set your own defaults or parameters. Edit and revise at will!


Create Relevant Lesson Plans

Imagine being able to update your lesson plans in the blink of an eye!

News and life happens fast. Now you can keep up with the latest trends
and tech and let SUM incorporate them into relevant lesson plans.


Help With Homework

Imagine being able to create your own tutor or lessons that match your learning style
and pace. SUM can do that for you!

I wanted to learn Python at a beginner level and I created my own lesson plan and homework
assignments. Now SUM is My Python Tutor!

And Make it Human!

One of the pitfalls of using Ai-text generators is it often times looks and feels like a “non-human” actor created the result.

Having a human-like response will make the information read easier and definitely help in SEO algorithms (like Google). Many search engines are being trained to detect Ai content and rank them lower – if at all!

One of the ways to solve this is a command line in SUM instructing it to have human like responses. No one wants to read a travel blog the reads like a kids bicycle instruction manual (although you could have SUM redo that manual making it much easier to understand and follow).

There are many uses for SUM and we have presented a few suggestions.

And the best part about SUM? IT’S FREE!


Discovr.Ai and our parent company ( have a very strict Ai Usage policy – if Ai produced or was used in any manner, it must be disclosed.

We are not advocating that essays, assignments, or stories be created using SUM (or any other Ai agent) and claiming them as your own.

With that in mind, I want to disclose that this page and its contents are 100% written by me – Gerald – and I am a human.

Introducing Birdi - Your Bird Identification Guide

Birdi, like our other chat assistants, is easy to access and use.

Go to If you do not have a ChatGPT account, you will have to create a FREE account to use.

In the search field, start by typing the @ symbol followed by B-I-R-D-I and soon you will see our colorful logo.

Select our logo and this will open up the Birdi Bird Identification Guide.

Just Answer a Few Questions to get Started

Where are you located?
Where did you see the bird – open field or wooded area?

What time of year did you see this bird?
Was the bird migrating with a large group of birds?

What size is the bird?
What are the primary colors?
What sounds was the bird making?