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Toys R' Us Charles Lazarus

66 Seconds | PG | SORA
Loaded June 27, 2024

Not sure why but OpenAi’s Sora has released a video of a 66 second Toys R’ Us commercial featuring a child’s image and dream of founder Charles Lazarus.

It is only a matter of time that we begin seeing the next generation of celebrities that are Ai generated. Could this spell the end of the action hero? The A-listers?

I cannot do anything but accept the fact that wide video generation jobs like script writing, voiceovers as well as directing, screenplays, costumes and makeup is the largest job disrupter yet. It is impossible to put this genie back into the bottle. I have read articles stating that such tools represent less than 10% of a normal commericial/feature budget.

The only questions remaining – Who want’s to save over 90% of their project’s budget?

Reprinted with permission


Our GPTs

To date (6/18/2024) all of my GPTs (12 total) are created using OpenAI’s ChatGpt tool. The sequence of creation has been:

  • secure a domain name
  • create a site
  • create the GPT

To illustrate this point, if you click on the Pet Advice logo go the right , it will take you to website AiPetAdvice. com. And now I can promote the GPT (Butler) on Notice there is not a GPT called Ai Pet Advice.

Again, my mindset had been start with the domain name > create a site > create matching App/GPT.

That was my mindset – until now.

What I am about to say is not going to make  domainers happy. And here’s why:

You do not need a domain to create a ChatGPT assistant or bot.

What this means is I no longer have to have a matching GPT name in .com or any extension in order to create a GPT and list it in the ChatGPT store. (Note: I will continue buying them because my sales have been good). I do not need anything that has GPT or Ai or AGI in the domain name. I need No domain name to create (and list) in the GPT store.

When signing up for the plus plan on OpenAi, you have the ability to show your name, domain name, or anything else as being the creator of the bots. Initially I put in but have since changed to my first initial, last name. I can concurrently list all those chat assistants under my name for authorship and promote all those assistants on one website – such as this site – Discovr.Ai.

To prove my point about not needing domain names at all, I started experimenting with some single character / lettered chatbots. My strategy before naming the bot is I would check the GPT store to see if there were any duplicates or if I had any competition at all. Think of this as another wild west land rush. Or as Ricky Bobby would put it – If you ain’t first, you’re last. I am not talking about ratings or rankings. I am talking about your position in the listings when someone does a search in the ChatGPT store. I’ll demonstrate this when I get to the number 8 assistant below.

I also wanted to take a look at other commonalities like how many start with or contain the name/word/character in their title. I was aiming for the single character hoping to corner the market.

The first item I created without any domain reference is 请 (still in development). This is the Chinese character for the word “please”or Qǐng. I want to create a very simple basic Chinese single word phrases assistant. Is it needed? Most likely not. This was just an exercise to jump start my thought processes and projects. So now I can have a single character chinese word appearing without having to (in this case) have a matching IDN: xn--df3a.


The second item I created without any domain name anchor is 8. The number 8 stands for good luck and good fortune in Chinese. And the number four is bad luck/bad fortune since 4 is pronounced in Chinese to be nearly the same for death. The number 8 in domain names is also a highly coveted in nearly every extension – including combinations for 88, 888, and so on. So this is something that indirectly involves an aspect of domaining. So now I have an Ai chat assistant that simply goes by the number 8 in the GPT store. Here’s my point – Essentially, if someone is searching for anything that starts with 8, they would see mine first. Imagine what I would have to pay if I wanted an exact match domain name for the number 8. Even with the plethora of new domain extensions out there, most prices are out of reach for many.

Has it been successful? I don’t know. I really have not checked lately as I have been swamped with work. The primary exercise is to find out 1.) do I need a domain name to launch a chatbot and 2.) can I created single character chat bots/assistants. The answer to those two primary points is NO, I do not need a domain name to tie to the bot and YES, I can create single character chat assistants. And perhaps by doing so, I can get at the top of the searches.


My third item developed is MY WP (or My WordPress). This is a private assistant made especially to my specifications in terms of title, description, and content length. There will be occasions where I will start creating site content using Ai. Most of these will be for describing my domain names. Since it is to my specifications and recommended by both WordPress and google style specifications, for now private it shall stay.

I do want to point out that YES, I will always clearly state the when and whether the contents (including images) is Ai generated. This is something I adamantly believe everyone should be following including holding these high standards for myself and any of my sites. I do not want to take credit for something I did not create. Should I ever on occasion have a guest blogger, they also will have to abide by these standards as clearly stated on my Ai Usage Policy page. Since there is a required Privacy Policy page (and now an Affiliate’s disclosure page), I thought it was only befitting to let people know when something is Ai generated.

To date, I have 11 Ai Assistants. Pretty good for a non-coding, non-programming individual who only possessed the want to learn.

So, now you see what may be to the chagrin of domainers, you no longer have to follow along with the original mindset of Domain name > create site > create matching App/GPT.

You just need to jump in there and go for it.

Author’s Note: I do plan on exploring other chat assistant creators like Claude, CoPilot, Grok and more. I want to throw myself to the fire and have you learn from my mistakes – and successes!


Content Creation: Admin | Logos: Admin | GPTs: Created by & Property of | OpenAi logo: Wikicommons

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